Saturday, December 24, 2016

Bah humbug!!

It's been one of those Christmas Seasons.  No matter how hard I try... just not in the Christmas Mood.  More than any year... I'm soooooooo disgusted with gift exchange for the kids.  Party after party... we buy gifts for our friends/relatives kids.  They buy it for our kids.  Each party... we come home with 6-7 presents that the kids don't need or want.  Then come Christmas Morning... the kids finally open the gifts we buy them.  And by that time, they're so desensitized to gifts they won't even cherish it.  What is the true meaning of Christmas....?!?!? 

Next year... I want to ban gift exchange.  I want to ban white elephants. 

My dream (far fetched) is for my family to go caroling - at senior centers, at gas stations, at street corners, in front of our neighbor's homes.  Spread the good news... share the joy... experience the true meaning of Christmas.

Joyce says, "This will only last for a few more years."  A few more years of this crap?!?!?! I don't think I can handle it.  

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