Wednesday, January 04, 2017

A look back at 2016...

Alas... the tradition continues.  It's actually kinda fun looking back at the past 12 years - especially at the end of 2009 when a did a full decade recap. Here are the top moments of 2016, in reverse order if you may.

Honorable mentions:
-leading worship on Christmas Day
-officially started job hunting only to find it quite humbling I can't find one

10) Cancun - Nui-nui always says this is her second time going to Cancun. The first time was when she was in mommy's tummy and we went for our baby moon. 6 full days of alcohol and gluttony, came back home to de-tox.

9) The Mark of Death - 2016 marked the departure of my 大伯 and 三嬸.  It saw the departure of Roy's dad, C-hing's mom, Tall Ken's dad, Ben's grandma, Tim or Sue's grandparent.  It saw Joyce's step dad battle liver cancer.  A new found friend's mom battle and triumphed over breast cancer. So many of my childhood icons also died... Muhammad Ali, Carrie Fischer (Princess Leia), David Bowie, Prince, George Michael to name a few.

8) Election 2016 - The entire buildup since 2015... I was sure Hillary would win.  I wanted to volunteer for her campaign. I took both SW and NN to the voting booths with me, so they can say "We were there" for this historical moment.  And a historical moment it was..... that night..... when the color of the US just would NOT turn blue.  By 8PM, when the California polls closed....and Hillary still hasn't won.... America knew.  We all knew. 

7) Family Altar - It's been a passion of mine to establish a family altar at home.  And through two separate, unrelated events (21 Day Prayer Journey and Advent), I think I was able to do it!!  The kids actually expect to have "Family Time" now.  I still remember making that declaration during Intercession one morning. How faithful God is in answering my prayers!!

6)  魚蛋米 - Christmas Day when visiting dad, he said he's been eating 魚蛋米 every day since attending Thanksgiving Retreat.  Did he lose weight?? Nope.  Then I sat down by the couch... and saw a bag of chocolate and 3 jars of nuts.  He says, "I only eat those while watching TV."  No wonder he didn't lose weight!! But more importantly... dad attended a church event with us.  He read the bible.  Copied down bible verses.  And I even heard him worship along with everyone.  I still get choked up thinking about it.

5) Nui-nui needs glasses - in the back of our minds, we've always had this fear.  Just cuz both Joyce and I need glasses.  And in this day and age of tablets and smartphones... how can kids NOT need glasses.  Still remember that fateful day when we found out she couldn't read a giant billboard about 50 feet away.  The gut wrenching feeling of failing at parenting.  I hate to be vain and say it... but now my daughter isn't "perfect" anymore.

4) Siu-Wah attends Kindergarten - after 5 years of staying at home with Han-Yi... Siu Wah finally graduated from home life and moved into the real world, with real kids, with real rules, with real English.  We never once thought he would cry... he didn't.  I never once thought he would struggle... he didn't.  But we certainly never would have thought he'll become the school pet - and all the kids in school would look after him like they do.  The biggest compliment we get, "We're amazed at his tenacity in playing 4 squares with the big kids."  My boy... is growing up right in front of our eyes.

3) Warriors - it wasn't suppose to happen this way.  It was Father's Day.  We were up 3-1.  We beat them last year.  We beat them earlier in the season.  And we were the better team.  I bought a bunch of warriors clothes for big bro, Ah-So, and Eason.  I even had dinner and a beer with dad as we watched those final seconds tick away... and Kyrie "F**kin" Irving drove that dagger into the midst of all our hearts... thus turning it from one of the best, to one of the worst father's day ever. 

2) Nine months in the making - For the same time it takes to have a baby, we finally got "done" with remodeling and moved home.  Ohhhhh... the aches and pain of the whole process.  The newfound ability to hate someone.  The disgust of knowing that wickedness can be so real.  But alas... able to come home.

1) Clark Chai-Tian Leung - How fitting that the top moment of 2016 actually doesn't belong to me.  But big bro.... who after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness... finds his promised land!  A land flowing with milk and honey.  Amazingly enough, that land is in Beijing.  He reaches new heights in his career.  He finally settles down and gets married.  And in that timespan.... he became a father... and me an uncle. These things only happen on TVB shows.  Not in real life.  Not to people I know.   But alas... it did.

And that wraps up 2016.  Here's a look back at the past 12 years.

2008 - can't find it
2007 - can't find it
2006 - can't find it

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