Monday, February 20, 2017

Loss of Hope in Mankind

Spent the long weekend down at SLO.... and this time, man.... I came back with a horrible taste in my mouth.  Do we really have hope in our future???

Was at the SLO children museum.  There was one particular exhibit that a bunch of kids wanted to play with, my kids included.  The three kids (of a certain ethnicity) were there and they had no intention of sharing.  Despite my hinting and clearing of the throat... the oldest of the three girls (maybe she was 10??) continued to hog that exhibit.  After about 5 minutes... the other two girls finally forced her out.  Then the 2nd girl (maybe she was 8) spent another 5 minutes on there.  Leaving the last girl (4 or 5) to beg the girl to be done.  My two kids stood patiently waiting.

When the 2nd girl left... the little girl finally got on.  And maaaaaaaaaan.  She stayed on that thing for a good 7-10 minutes!!!  Again... I told my kids to be patient. 

Finally... FINALLY... an adult saw me and came over to ask the kid to leave.  Begging, prodding, forcing... the little kid threw fit after fit.  Until finally, she pouted and cried when she left.  And that adult wasn't even her parent.

Where were the parents??? What's wrong with these kids???

Immediately, after my kids got on... I instituted a system for lines.  Both my kids and the family friend took turns.  Played a bit, and got off.  So everyone got to play for a minute or so. 

Ohhhh it gets worse.  Then this little boy comes rushing through.  Cuts the line and says it's his turn.  I was pissed.... and told him to get in line.  He even had the courage to say, "I was here first." What was he... sick!? demented?!  Without yelling at him... I finally got him to understand that "He was next."  One more minute and I would've lost my cool and yelled at him...then yell at his parents for not teaching their kids common courtesy.

What is it with kids these days!?!? Damn parents!!

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