Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Not Oroville.... San Jose

Ohhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyy gawwwwwwd......

San Jose is officially flooding. 

A neighborhood, about 0.5 mile from my church is now underwater.  The banks in the nearby creek broke...and water is up to the height of cars, chest high for adults. 

The entire neighborhood is flooded.  Not just water... but sewage and cleaning supplies.  No warning.  No sandbags.  Nothing. 

One minute, you're home for winter break.  Next minute, you're standing on top of any car you can find, hoping and praying for someone to rescue you. 

Last week, the whole world was watching and praying for families living by the Oroville Dam who were evacuated in fear of flooding.

One week later.... without warning, thousands of people lose their home and all their belongings.  Where's the justice in all this?!?!?

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