Saturday, November 04, 2017

The Power of a Post-It

A couple of weeks ago.... I was signing Nn's Daily Planner, where the teacher wants us to initial it, to ensure parents are aware of her daily assignments.  One night, I decided to add a little post-in note to her planner saying, "Jesus loves you.  And Bah-B loves you too."  Just a simple message... hoping to bring a smile to my little princesses face.

Well.... as luck would have it... a week later, SW found out about the note and kept asking where his note was.  I didn't write one for him, so I kept saying, "You haven't found it yet."  He looked EVERWHERE for it... until one morning, when I was packing his lunch, I left a note for him.

He found the note during lunch and he was so excited.

The past two days..... both kids have started leaving me notes.  SW told me he hid a note in my room.... to which I couldn't find.  And this morning, I found a post-It on m closet with the words, "Jesus loves you.  And so do I. XOXO -Nui nui".

How wonderful...and powerful... a simple Post-It note can be.

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