Sunday, October 29, 2017

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus...

Today… a sister gave a testimony of her on-going battle with terminal cancer. It was already emotional and spirit-filled, until the end, when she specifically called out her husband and said, “XXXX, I truly believe that God will prepare for you someone who can cook for you.”  

I tried keeping the tears back the entire time, but that’s when the waterworks turned on.  I couldn’t hold it back anymore.   

After service, a brother mentioned he had another kind of waterworks.  That instead of tears of sadness or empathy… he was sweating bullets wondering why she would say such a thing.  C’mon bro…… this woman loves her husband SOOOOOO much, that as she’s this close to returning to heaven, at her most desperate and perhaps lonely times, she’s still thinking of her husband’s future.  How romantic and unselfish is that????  Maybe half the room got it… half the room didn’t.  

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