Monday, March 26, 2018

Looking back @ "ARROWS - Let's Proclaim"

Starting back in November of 2017.... I started preparing for what became of "Let's Proclaim" - an 8 week course on public speaking.  Within days of preparing for this class.... I realized that this wasn't so much about public speaking, but about getting the 4th and 5th graders to write a testimony.  

Remembering back when I was in 4th grade, my faith was so strong, that I wanted to be a priest when I grow up.  My biggest worry, was these young men (gentleboys, as I called them) are still so pure and untainted, that they will regurgitate exactly what Sunday School has been feeding the over the years.

Case in point.... I chose the topic "Who Created the Universe?" for their speech.

And as expected, one of the kids who grew up in church, goes to a private Christian school, went to all the Sunday Schools, Vacation Bible Schools, Kids Prayer Club etc.... gave the modal answer.  "God created us out of his own image, so that we can glorify him by offering ourselves as living sacrifices."  Wow.... great answer.  
Then I pushed him.  Give me an answer that's not from the bible.  He couldn't do it.  His mind isn't developed enough to critically think about these "tough topics."  

On the other hand.... there was a kid who went to public school all his life.  He's new to our church and his only exposure to God, is through the 1 hour of Sunday School the past couple of years.  When I asked him "Who Created the Universe?" His answer was, "God!! Only God can do it.  Cuz he's all powerful!! No one else can do it!!" I looked into his eyes... and he was so convinced, so convicted, so sure of this answer, that it really exemplifies the term "child-like faith." Not having the same biblical education as the other kids... this kid turned out to have the strongest faith (in the heart, not in the mind).  

Lastly.... on the last night of class, I handed them each a tie.  Signifying their passage from boy to man.  From gentleboys, to gentlemen. I also apologized for being so strict with them.  To which they said, "Oh no... you're not that strict.  We've had worse."


Another chapter closes.  Until next year....

Thursday, March 22, 2018

5 Languages of Love

Recently had a discussion on the "5 Languages of Love."  Upon reflection (and agreed to by my wife), I don't necessarily need any of the 5 languages.
  1. I'm not big on gifts.  
  2. I don't need touch
  3. I am so overconfident, you can't say any more words of affirmation
  4. I already maximize every second of my day to make quality time.
  5. It's my DNA to out-serve you'll never win.  
But then again.... while I don't need any of the 5... I think I need all 5.
  1. I'd love to open up a box and be surprised by something I'm too cheap to buy....
  2. Would I complain about more sex??? C'mon...I'm a man!!!
  3. My ego is never too big for you to fill up.
  4. Stop.... look at me.... stare me into my soul.  And that's the best moment of my day.
  5. Yeah... I actually don't mind if you can change that light bulb yourself.
And at the heart of all this... as much as I think I love my wife... I know she deserves more.  

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Conspiracy Theory

After two completely separate events... I think I'm onto a conspiracy theory.  There is a very popular app gives the "shortest" route from Point A to Point B. Without naming that app.... it is my belief, that app actually leads drivers onto side streets and detours to ease up traffic on the main routes.  I can't be 100% sure... and I wouldn't even know how to start testing this theory.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Game of Life

We started playing The Game of Life with the kids... and it really reflects that Life, is sometimes, a Game.  And you're a victim of the roll of the dice - or in this case - the spin of the dice.

Image result for game of life

Case in point - I can go through the entire game and have the most amount of money, but I'll still feel like I lost, if I don't have children.  Conversely, I can go bankrupt, but as long as I have kids... I don't care how much money I have.

Nui-nui is very sensitive.  Earlier this evening, when she rolled the dice (spun the dice) and past her last chance to have a child - she started to cry.  I know that feeling FAR TOO well.  Siu-Wah was so nice.  He said he'll give 家姐 one of his kids.  Game, huh? Too real... sometimes, it really hits home. 

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Prayer Meeting

PAL gave me the opportunity to lead CS prayer meeting tonight. Man!! It's hard. The prep work...the song selection... the slides.  Going through Alliance Newsletters and current events to look for stuff to pray for.  You either gotta love it... or have the passion for it... or you're darn obedient to want to do this day in and day out.  Not me.  Nope.  No thanks.  Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-men!

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

God's Promise

It's religious jargon to say, "We will claim God's promise!!" 

The other day in Sunday School... a thought occurred to me.  Does God's promise solely mean the "good stuff?"  Do we only claim the blessings??  Well what about the hard times?

Not trying to be a stick in the mud or stump anyone... but after giving it some thought, I think that tough times can also be a promise.  So many examples in the bible where God allowed for his people to be tried. 

So if I were to teach Sunday School... I would say, "Be aware and wary of what you're claiming.  Without TEST, there is no TESTIMONY.  And without the passion and death, there is no resurrection." 

Saturday, March 03, 2018

The Deep South

Another thing worth mentioning regarding my trip to the deep south - the Bible Belt - if you please. 

Both nights, I had dinner with my team.  One in Alabama.  One in Louisiana. 

Both nights, I asked the eldest, most senior person, lead us in grace.  I was 99% sure everyone in the group is "religious."  Everyone was respectful.  They bowed their heads and we prayed as a team.

But one of the two nights.... one of the senior person said, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Bless us O'Lord, and these, thy gifts. Which we are about to receive from thy bounty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen." 

I hadn't recited that Catholic prayer since 8th grade.  And every body at the table... my team, their spouses, made the sign of the cross. 

Blast from the past.  Once a Catholic, always a Catholic.