Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Game of Life

We started playing The Game of Life with the kids... and it really reflects that Life, is sometimes, a Game.  And you're a victim of the roll of the dice - or in this case - the spin of the dice.

Image result for game of life

Case in point - I can go through the entire game and have the most amount of money, but I'll still feel like I lost, if I don't have children.  Conversely, I can go bankrupt, but as long as I have kids... I don't care how much money I have.

Nui-nui is very sensitive.  Earlier this evening, when she rolled the dice (spun the dice) and past her last chance to have a child - she started to cry.  I know that feeling FAR TOO well.  Siu-Wah was so nice.  He said he'll give 家姐 one of his kids.  Game, huh? Too real... sometimes, it really hits home. 

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