Saturday, April 28, 2018

In memory of...

Attended another funeral today.... "Memorial Service", some call it.  Or better yet... "Celebration of Life."

This time, I had the honor of being a pallbearer.  I did not know the deceased well.  And as far as male grandchildren, they only had four, and needed 2 more.  I guess when it comes down to spiritual children, I am one of the eldest in the Louie family. 

Man....that casket is actually pretty heavy!!!  Carrying it while wearing a glove... I was afraid it'll slip.  No no no.... can't let that happen.

Attending a funeral really makes one think.  About my parents, who will eventually have their funerals.  Who will be their pall bearers. About my own funeral.  Who will be my pallbearers? And the fact that I will request people not only wear black, but Orange and Black (Giants) or Red and Gold (Niners).

Rest In Piece, 冰姐.  Your legacy will live on forever.  Until we meet again.....

Sunday, April 22, 2018

That indescribable feeling...

Every now and then... you somehow find yourself in a group of people.. a team, where it just clicks.  The people there work at your speed...and (hopefully) you work at theirs.  Everyone has the same goal.  Everyone has the same passion.  And when it works out.... Man.... that's a great feeling!!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Looking back @ "ARROWS - Let's Proclaim" - Part 2

A few people have come up to me complimenting me on a job well done with the gentleboys.  But this one is a pleasant surprise.

A brother told me that he was late for service that day, missed the introduction of me being the instructor and arrived just in time to see the boys give their speeches.  While listening to the boys, he thought, "This is probably what Henry was like when he was this age."

Later on... he found out that I was the one who taught them on how to make a speech..  How about that.........

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Kids say the darndest thing...

(In commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King's assassination.  He may be gone but his spirit lives on forever....)

小華: 媽媽! 要多謝 MLK! 如果無佢你同爸B就結唔到婚。
媽媽: 點解啊?
小華: 爸B黑囉!

Tuesday, April 03, 2018


I recently found out...that "16PF" or "16 Personality Factors" is the only personality test that is recognized by the Court of Law.  So what do I do??? I go and take that test.  What else do I do? I asked my 3 best friends to rate me.My rating is in orange.  They're in blue.

  • They don't know me very well - Obviously!!
  • I'm a right handed / right minded kinda guy? Maybe?
  • My best (girl) friend says - "You have a warped sense of yourself" - Hmmmm....
  • Some of these were really debatable...and could change when put into a different context
The best part about this test... I asked Joyce to take it.  But I dare not share the results on the internet. No no no..... that would be suicide. 

Sunday, April 01, 2018

Gawd I'm cheap......

Back to back days.... I circled for an additional half hour to find street parking.  Or parking where I didn't have to pay for meters.  Both times... Joyce wasn't in the car.  She would've made me paid.  One time... I ended up making the kids walk two long city blocks in the San Francisco wind!!

But hey!!! I saved $7 one time.  And I probably saved $2 the second time.  That's hard earned money!