Tuesday, April 03, 2018


I recently found out...that "16PF" or "16 Personality Factors" is the only personality test that is recognized by the Court of Law.  So what do I do??? I go and take that test.  What else do I do? I asked my 3 best friends to rate me.My rating is in orange.  They're in blue.

  • They don't know me very well - Obviously!!
  • I'm a right handed / right minded kinda guy? Maybe?
  • My best (girl) friend says - "You have a warped sense of yourself" - Hmmmm....
  • Some of these were really debatable...and could change when put into a different context
The best part about this test... I asked Joyce to take it.  But I dare not share the results on the internet. No no no..... that would be suicide. 

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