Saturday, August 26, 2023

New Phase

 Thank goodness Chinese school was cancelled... otherwise it would've been two more trips!!

Dropped NN off at Volleyball... so we can go to the libary with SW... then had lunch.  Dropped him off at volleyball to pick up NN.  Had a 2nd lunch with NN so we can stop by SW and watch him practice.  Only to be kicked out... so we went home.  Then headed BACK to pick up SW.  Got home...did a few chores.  Only to drop off NN at her volleyball party.  Came home to make dinner and before you knew it... it was time to pick up NN again.  

It's only gonna get worse.  Don't even know how we'll be able to support worship team practice!! 

Friday, August 25, 2023

Revisiting Pac Bell Park

For the first time since Game 4 of 2010... we brought NN to Pac Bell.  For Siu Wah... it was his first Giants game.  13 years later... times have changed.  I reserved parking via Spot Hero and paid a whopping $30.  We didn't have Club Level but had, instead, View Reserved behind home plate. Beer is now a whopping $14... probably wasn't that much cheaper in 2010.  

One garlic fries... one chicken tender... one dole whip and one order of Lumpia... came out to be $52.  Luckily... Geoff was there and we got our Cha Cha Bowl and Chimichanga for "only" $24.  

Our Giants ace ran up against the probably Cy Young for the Braves... and it was a 5-1 shellacking.  At least the kids got to see a run scored.  We left after the 7th inning and made it home by 10PM.  Long day... culminating with a long night.  

But the constants are still there.  The sea gulls.  The cove.  The scene. The ambiance.  If only I lived in the city.  

Go Giants. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Church Plant

It's simply amazing witnessing the birth of a child.. also amazing is witnessing the birth of a new church.  Took part in ESL Ministry training and hearing what's been doing... what's being done... and what we're going to do is humbling. 

Monday, August 21, 2023


Tough week… but finally found light at the end of the tunnel.

This worship team / session was the most challenging one as of yet.  Partly because I was so busy. And also.. because the songs are so new and fast and different.  Friday night... we were suppose to practice from 8-930.  Ended up staying past 10... to a point where the kids Facetimed us cuz they were worried.

Saturday night... I had a brief moment to re-practice.

And then Sunday morning... Jce came to the rescue.  Not just to give final tips and pointers... but to sit at the front row and be a real time conductor. 

Drums aren't the main focus of a worship team.  But when I go wrong... it's so noticeable.  I studied hard and worked hard to find the right patterns, the right fills, the right groove.  This is easily the hardest I've ever worked for the drums.  And still... I was 50/50 on Sunday morning. 

And immediately after drumming... I had to translate for Pastor Douglas. I was NOT in the right state of mind or thought.  I couldn't even read the passages on screen.  And to go 40 minutes of translating... that's just impossible.  To top it off... after translating the sermon... I had to crawl back into the drummer booth and drum te response song.  At that point... i was so robotic.  Didn't have any feel of the song at all.  And yet.... 又過關

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Celebration of Life

 I will miss him… He opened his door for us.  Invited us over during Thanksgiving... Christmas... and any other time we wanted to hang out.  His low, booming laughter.  His gregariousness of being an ambassador of the city... an ambassador of life. I will miss him. It was painful watching him deteriorate. His final years where he no longer resembled his yester-self.  Life is so unfair sometimes.

The days leading up to the event was stressful.  It was a busy busy week of life and work.  And I volunteered to help Jeff's family out.  To find parking... to be a sounding board... to be the driver... to the emcee.

It was surreal when we got to the chapel... that his casket was already opened. I didn't walk in, out of respect.  Jeff walked in and made an abrupt U-turn, "I didn't expect him to be there." My job wasn't just to drive... wasn't just to be the voice... but it was to be there for those silent moments.  To be the the ear to Mrs. G.  To be the emotional and spiritual support for Jeff.

It wasn't until Saturday morning that I google'd my script.  I spent 10 minutes making it my own.  And when the light turned green... I shifted into "Hank-mode." For me... it's just being myself.  But compliments after compliments from complete strangers.  I was humbled... but not completely modest.  I know I can bring it and throw in the high 90's... topping 100 here or there.  I inserted a little story I got from the internet, swapped in Mr. G and Jeff into the story, and that became the hit of the day.  In which everyone remembered nothing from the previous speeches, but kept asking Jeff, "Was that story true??" Or, "Are you now the penny boy?" Heh...

And of all the compliments and atta boys... (which included someone saying I must be an attorney), the one that stood out was when someone gave me props for leading in a closing prayer.  Something that Mrs. G gave me permission to do.  And that family friend said, "There are times when human words just can't fully express what we're feeling.  But you went above and sought out His words.  Thank you." 

But the day wasn't about me... it was trying to usher some joy and laughter in the midst of mourning and tears.  I'm glad I was able to pitch in a little bit... for someone who gave his wholeself to everyone around him.  Thank you, Mr. G.  I will miss you. 

Saturday, August 19, 2023


After going through the whirlwind of NN's club experience... we went through SW's hurricane - only to culminate in this. So proud of my little Siu Wah.

Saturday, August 12, 2023


Huda thunk... when I got laid off in the early 2000's and picked up the guitar... it would eventually lead to a dream come true to 夾 band.  In the midst of that dream coming true.. inevitably... were the Tsang's.  

We didn't even know if it would happen. By happenstance... I found a guitar in the closet.  Sam got into place and started keyboarding.  Before you know it... a bunch of us were on stage.  Haven't played in years! I was on cloud 9... or seventh heaven... or whatever anecdote you wanna use. 

I wish the kids were there to see it.  這一剎完全擁有... 這一刻完成美夢...

Friday, August 04, 2023


Woke up... did some work.

Made coffee and had a scone.

Then went to play 9 holes with SW.

Came back for lunch and had comfort food at Mod.

Played some volleyball on the drive way and started setting clinic with NN.

Picked up the Tat's and drove them to the airport.

Stopped by Costco to get gas... get food... and more importantly... get a bunch of clothes for myself.

Came home and got some seafood... some clams.. and filled up the propane tank for some Q.

Dinner was very well received with Thai Crab, Barbecue clams, and stir fried noodles.

Ended the night finishing up Guardians 3 and Tetris.

Today.... was a good day.  Today... is 快樂的一天.


Thursday, August 03, 2023

Hidden gem

Joyce and Grace took a few days off and headed to Paso Robles for some R&R and wine tasting.  The kids and I went down a couple days later.  My oh my Paso is nice.  I always thought it was just a stop on the way to SLO that had a walmart.  Huda thunk that it has such a cute downtown with some many shops, restaurants, tasting rooms, etc...  2.5 hour drive to get away ain't bad.  After all these years... hrmph! 

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

In all things...give glory to Jesus

Every night... our bedtime prayer ends with "In all things, give glory and honor to Jesus." In ALL things... whether it's good or bad.  The past 3 days have been bad.  And then today.. it takes a 180.  

NN found a club.. in fact...two clubs... that are willing to take her.  What is it with club volleyball???

Some clubs are so formal.  Some clubs... don't even need to see you play.  

I'm amazed and astonished.  But NN... after tonight's tryouts... was so hungry, she wanted fast food. She wanted Taco Bell.  And to further celebrate.. we let her have a bottle of Mexican Coke. 

Tonight... was a good night.  No... it was a great night.