Sunday, August 20, 2023

Celebration of Life

 I will miss him… He opened his door for us.  Invited us over during Thanksgiving... Christmas... and any other time we wanted to hang out.  His low, booming laughter.  His gregariousness of being an ambassador of the city... an ambassador of life. I will miss him. It was painful watching him deteriorate. His final years where he no longer resembled his yester-self.  Life is so unfair sometimes.

The days leading up to the event was stressful.  It was a busy busy week of life and work.  And I volunteered to help Jeff's family out.  To find parking... to be a sounding board... to be the driver... to the emcee.

It was surreal when we got to the chapel... that his casket was already opened. I didn't walk in, out of respect.  Jeff walked in and made an abrupt U-turn, "I didn't expect him to be there." My job wasn't just to drive... wasn't just to be the voice... but it was to be there for those silent moments.  To be the the ear to Mrs. G.  To be the emotional and spiritual support for Jeff.

It wasn't until Saturday morning that I google'd my script.  I spent 10 minutes making it my own.  And when the light turned green... I shifted into "Hank-mode." For me... it's just being myself.  But compliments after compliments from complete strangers.  I was humbled... but not completely modest.  I know I can bring it and throw in the high 90's... topping 100 here or there.  I inserted a little story I got from the internet, swapped in Mr. G and Jeff into the story, and that became the hit of the day.  In which everyone remembered nothing from the previous speeches, but kept asking Jeff, "Was that story true??" Or, "Are you now the penny boy?" Heh...

And of all the compliments and atta boys... (which included someone saying I must be an attorney), the one that stood out was when someone gave me props for leading in a closing prayer.  Something that Mrs. G gave me permission to do.  And that family friend said, "There are times when human words just can't fully express what we're feeling.  But you went above and sought out His words.  Thank you." 

But the day wasn't about me... it was trying to usher some joy and laughter in the midst of mourning and tears.  I'm glad I was able to pitch in a little bit... for someone who gave his wholeself to everyone around him.  Thank you, Mr. G.  I will miss you. 

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