Monday, August 21, 2023


Tough week… but finally found light at the end of the tunnel.

This worship team / session was the most challenging one as of yet.  Partly because I was so busy. And also.. because the songs are so new and fast and different.  Friday night... we were suppose to practice from 8-930.  Ended up staying past 10... to a point where the kids Facetimed us cuz they were worried.

Saturday night... I had a brief moment to re-practice.

And then Sunday morning... Jce came to the rescue.  Not just to give final tips and pointers... but to sit at the front row and be a real time conductor. 

Drums aren't the main focus of a worship team.  But when I go wrong... it's so noticeable.  I studied hard and worked hard to find the right patterns, the right fills, the right groove.  This is easily the hardest I've ever worked for the drums.  And still... I was 50/50 on Sunday morning. 

And immediately after drumming... I had to translate for Pastor Douglas. I was NOT in the right state of mind or thought.  I couldn't even read the passages on screen.  And to go 40 minutes of translating... that's just impossible.  To top it off... after translating the sermon... I had to crawl back into the drummer booth and drum te response song.  At that point... i was so robotic.  Didn't have any feel of the song at all.  And yet.... 又過關

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