Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Started shaving in high school… about 15 years old…and dad got me my first norelco shaver. It was sort of a passage for us… father teaching son how to shave. Except… dad never used razor and shaving cream, so neither did we.  That thing lasted me many years… and sometime in my 20’s…. Joyce got me my second Norelco. That thing lasted me for many more years. I even went onto Walmart.com in the start of online shopping and bought replacement heads. Only to find out it costs roughly the same as a brand new shaver.

Then today… I was gifted my third shaver. Still Norelco. The design has changed… but it’s still the same idea. Only… this time… the box it came in was massive. What else is in there???? A case… a power cord… and an adapter for beards. Did it really need to come in this ginormous box?!?

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