Wednesday, September 06, 2023

That's a first!!!

Both kids are on a school retreat so Joyce and I get a few days of being Empty Nesters.  Had a Club meeting to attend tonight... so couldn't do anything too extravagent.  Ended up finding a sushi place by Santa Clara University (Flag #1).  We got there and saw a food truck with the same name (Flag #2).  Turned the corner to see that it's actually a brick and mortar place.. phew~.  We order our food at the counter (Flag #3) and pay before we get our food (Flag #4).  

We were hoping for a nice Sushi dinner without the kids.  What we got were... three "rolls" that had smooshed up rice and fish that seemed to have been left out far too long.  We took a bite of the Cherry Blossum... hmm... something tastes funny.  Maybe it's me.  Then I go for the Spicy Salmon Roll... couldn't do it.  Had to spit it out.  Too disgusting.  The rice. The fish. The sauce.

Didn't want to make the owner feel bad so instead of getting up and walking out... we asked for a to-go box, packed up the food, and dumped it in front of a Taco Bell, where we ended up having our... uhm... Romantic Dinner.  

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