Monday, November 06, 2023


On a cool, autumn night.... I dropped SW off at Cabrillo Middle School in Santa Clara.  I could've parked and walked him to the gym, but I decided against it.  He left the car... grabbed his bag... and walked through the shadows of the night.  A wave of emotions crashed into me... my son... my only son... dealt an underdog hand in life... waded through the darkness to find a sense of belonging.  The kid who I once put into the Emergency Room for feeding him a cashew is now strolling into the frontiers of the unknown.  Will he have friends? Will he get picked on? Will he be safe??  How I longed to be by his side... to protect him, to accompany him, to guide him.  But alas.... I can't be there for him 24/7.  

Who knows what was going through this mind.

Who knows how fast his heart was pounding.

Who knows if he was cursing his mom and dad for putting him in this situation.

Who knows.

But from what I saw.... I saw a champion.  It didn't matter what lied ahead.  He was going to slay every dragon, climb every mountain, swim every ocean.  That's because he is HIM.  He is..... my Siu Wah. 

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