Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Be Prepared

"Be Prepared" - It's the Boy Scouts marching song.  You never know what's going to happen.

That happened to SW tonight.  Through hardwork and perseverance... SW made it to the starting 5 as a shooting guard (aka Klay Thompson).  I have to say... his shooting motion is smooth and technically sound.  I credit his personal coach (me) for getting him to where he is.  But right when he was ready to shoot himself into the King's Academy Record Books.... the starting Point Guard called in sick.  And SW got the call to be the quarterback for the team. 

No... he wasn't ready.  No... we haven't worked on his handling enough.  Nor his court vision.  But he did it.  

He brought the ball up the court.... oh.... so.... slowly.  To a point where there were several instances where he crossed the halfcourt line right ahead of the 10 second limit.  I couldn't scream loud enough.  And when he got it to the top of the key... he immediately picked up his dribble... and shot a dart to his wings.  So many times, it was so hard, the wing would drop the pass.  You touch it... you catch it.  That's my mantra.  But as the QB... as the PG... you have to enable your teams' success.  SW wasn't ready for it.  He was nervous.  He had an itchy trigger finger.  He.... over passed.  Hard to forgive.

The first half... he created so many open shots for himself... yet, the ball never found the bottom of the net.  It would rim out.  Bounce around. He was cursed.  The second half... he didn't even put up a shot cuz of ruined confidence. 

But he kept at it.  He called the play.  Screamed at his team.  He captained his way through adversity.

Four a 28 minute game... he easily played 20 minutes worth.  And his defense was suffocating.  He was relentless.  Where does he come up with that energy? Where did he unearth that stamina? 

As the final seconds ticked away... SW and his Knights... were proven victors of their first Jr. High C Team basketball game.  My son.... emerged victorious.  Afterwards, when I asked him how he thought he did, he modestly said, "I could've done better."

That's my son.  My son.... is HIM. 

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