Friday, March 08, 2024


 There comes a time in life... when you find a friend, a companion, a mentor... who shows up in your life out of nowhere where you can be nothing but raw...and they can say nothing but truth.  Such is the case tonight when I hung out with Sandy姐。   She who's been in my life since we first came to SJCAC... and she has never disappointed.  Through highs and lows... she has been a constant.  Filling her role in my life where she is my guardian.. my guardian angel.  She who will always end a conversation in prayer... she who has dedicated her life to "praying prayer to the nations."  

I shared with her my current struggles... and she... in her unassuming self... brings me back to God.  I wouldn't expect any other.  And she takes no glory... she brings no judgement... but she brings the truth of what God has for us.  

Do you have a friend like that? Someone who can you go to at any moment... whether it's 1 year...2 year... 10 years past? I have that friend.  And I pray... she finds her next door that God will open. 

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