Friday, March 29, 2024

Service Trip

Day 1 of TKA's Annual High School Service trip for Seniors.  NN got selected to go to the Navajo Nation in Arizona.  Woke up before dawn to get to the airport by 5AM.  Course... with the nervousness of oversleeping... you really don't sleep well the night before.  And as I expected, and much wanted to avoid, got into a little spaz with NN when she was packing.   But all is well.  We got there on time and blessed her as we released her into God's hands.

Occasionally, we'll get a text here or there.  And there's also the official TKA blog that's following this trip. 

The more pictures we got... the more it seemed like a glorified camping trip.  Smores... hmm....

Nonetheless... the pastor's message is a reminder, they're here to serve, not to be served.  They're here to serve, this isn't a project.  And the importance of listening.

NN lands tonight... I wonder what she'll smell like after a week of no showering.  Can't wait to feel her hug and embrace. 


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