Sunday, April 28, 2024


3 day tourney up at Reno - National Qualifiers. So many interesting moments... 

The drive up was horrible.  It was dark, rainy, foggy... couldn't see the lanes.  Hated the drive.  But we made it safely.  Praise God.

The AirBnB wasn't mind blowing but it served it's purpose.  We had space and privacy... and a place to make coffee in the morning or chill at night. 

The in-laws coming were awesome.  Glad they're mobile and can drive so we don't need to worry too much about them.  Grandparents are a true blessing.

Playing up was a great idea.  It's amazing how well the girls can do if they play up to their potentials.  We met a formidable foe... apparently ranked #5 in the nation and we came back to beat them.  The girls learned a lot from adversity.  But when they went up against the #3 (or #2?) ranked team... reality finally set in.  Aside from 4 players... everyone was new to club volleyball.  It was quite apparent.  

Made sure to have fun beyond volleyball!  SW was excited to go rockclimbing and go-kart racing.  He really wanted to go up against me (and beat me).  But he wouldn't have stood a chance.  He drove that race track like a grandma going below speed limit.  We also had the opportunity to take NN's teammates siblings with us.  I like helping other parents out when they're in a bind.  I wish we had a third child... sigh...

Circus Circus was a trip down memory lane.  It's not as novel as when were growing up.  As kids... Circus Circus was the Mecca of child entertainment.  Arcades. Carnival games. Circus acts in the center ring.  Nowadays.. you get all these games at Golfland... D&B.... Bowlero... Chuck E Cheese. The circus acts come out every 45 minutes and perform for 3.  And there's 2nd hand smoke everywhere.  Not the Circus Circus I grew up with... or I choose to remember growing up with.

I still remember in 4th grade... when we went to Vegas and the Grand Canyon... we went to Circus Circus.  And we just couldn't get the two basketball carnival game.  Kept on missing the first... or 2nd basket.  And I never got my inflatable crayon.  I cried when dad said he was out of money. 

I still remember in 7th grade... mom and dad were on the brink of bankruptcy and we made one last trip to Reno.  I was suppose to work on my report on the Great Depression and the Great Crash of 1929.  I brought a book to read on the way... but didn't get past chapter 1.  That was when streetfighter II came out... and I remember hearing about it from my friends... but seeing it for the first time in person.  I was mesmerized.  And while mom and dad were doing their thing at the casino... I won a white tiger from the softball-in-a-milkcan game.  Heh...  it's winnable!!  I also remember two guys fighting and the police breaking them up.

I still remember in college... went snowboarding with Greg, Rooz, and the gang.  We went to circus circus at night.  And I don't remember which game it was... but I won 鹿先生.  That same week... Joyce came back from HK.  We went out at night... I gave her the doll as a welcome home present... and all was history.  Heh... 

Then the last time I was at Reno... was for an Alan Tam concert sometime in the early 2000's.  Been over 20 years.  And I don't miss it.  I don't care if I come back.  But if I do... I know where those memories are kept.  

Friday, April 19, 2024


 Ever since one of our many fights... NN hasn't wanted me to "uhm 佢瞓." No more Crossword, Wordle... No more bedside chit chat.  No more pray pray.  She's been shifty... saying she has to work late.  Or she needs to stretch out in bed.  But last night... I finally confronted her and asked why she won't let me put her to bed.  She said, "我就離十五歲喇."  She looked up at me... thinking I would be/could be tearing up.  Amazingly... I wasn't.  

Today... while standing in line at the supermarket, I felt something brush up against my leg.  I look down and it was a little girl, no more than 2 years old.  She was hugging me... mistaking me for her dad.  She looked up... I met her gazed, smiled.  And then she ran off.  

Then later in the afternoon... we had our father / daughter date.  Going to watch "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at school.  I had a feeling before I got there that she might want to sit with her friends.  And as I got there... that's exactly what she asked.  Of course I nodded.... 女大女世界.

She ended up sitting with me for the first half prior to intermission.  After intermission... I was by my lonely self.  And y'know what... I was perfectly fine. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

It's a matter of when

With all the crazy, distracted drivers out on the busy streets of the South Bay... it's not a matter of if... but a matter of when you'll get into an accident.  Was minding my own business on Lawrence today... when out of the blue... comes this huge crash behind me.  I look into the rear view mirror and can see the driver covering his face in shock and disappointment after the hit.  First thing... was checked on SW.  He was fine.  Then I took inventory of myself.  And I slowly pulled over... slowly... because I wanted to block him in case he started to run.  But he pulled over after me.  I got out... fist bumped the guy... asked if he was ok.  And saw that it was a direct, almost 100% straight shot into my rear bumper and tail gate.  If you can draw a line between the left and right tail lights... the dent was smack in the middle.  So the car absorbed most of the hit... which mean... thankfully... SW and I were protected.

Sigh... now have to go through insurance and body shop and rental and all that mess. Thankfully... no one was hurt.  Just one of those things in life.... 

Saturday, April 06, 2024

Odds stacked against you

Last of NN's League Tournaments this Spring... but it also coincided with a bunch of the girls' Spring Breaks!! One was in Hawaii... one was in Paris... One had a Badminton Tournament for her school... and one was a last minute illness.  Her team was now down to 7... without the starting middle and OH.  To top it off... the 7th player's uniform was stuck in the washer that morning!!! And she was going to be late!  We told her to grab any old shirt... and we'll use masking tape to tape a number on her.  Heh...

It was a big mystery of who was gonna play where.  But to our luck... the first two games were against very green teams.  The girls had a chance to settle in.  

By the third game... they met their match.  Our team has never dropped a set all season, until this team stole one from us last tournament when NN was on her Service Trip.  This team is good.  They're a solid, complete team, with chemistry.  And right off the bat... they stormed through and took the first set.  Parents from other teams started coming up to me asking where the players were.  More and more people started flocking over to our court.  They wanted to be there to see David slay Goliath.  Second set was much the same... lots of miscommunicates, mental errors, stupid mistakes.  Within a blink of an eye...  we were down 24-22.  Game point.  First loss of the season, pending.  It was inevitable.  There's no energy.  There's 1 person on the bench - trying to cheer.  NN - was frustrated and miserable.  The coaches were flabbergasted.  And all the parents were stunned.  

Wait.... who's David and who's Goliath here? This is an underdog story, right??? David's the underdog... right???  So does that mean... a team that's down 4 players, 2 the underdog?? Damn straight we are!!!

24-22 quickly became 24-23.  Then we tied it.  After that... there was no looking back.  26-24 VICTORY!!!  After winning the 2nd set... the 3rd set was a cinch. 

We struggled a bit after that 3rd set marathon against a team we've consistently beaten.  But once again, we never once doubted the resiliency and grit of this team.  By the team we got to the championship bracket... the rest of the teams knew they've met their match.  Once again... victory belongs to us. 

But it wasn't without paying its price.  NN got so frustrated in that 4th game and with the constant berating from the coach... she started to weep.  Her whole team tried to console her.  Parents on the sides saw it.  The opponents' parents saw it.  The coach saw it.  It was painful to watch.  

When the odds are stacked against you.... that's when you rise to the occasion to show them what you're made of.  Proud of you NN.