Wednesday, April 10, 2024

It's a matter of when

With all the crazy, distracted drivers out on the busy streets of the South Bay... it's not a matter of if... but a matter of when you'll get into an accident.  Was minding my own business on Lawrence today... when out of the blue... comes this huge crash behind me.  I look into the rear view mirror and can see the driver covering his face in shock and disappointment after the hit.  First thing... was checked on SW.  He was fine.  Then I took inventory of myself.  And I slowly pulled over... slowly... because I wanted to block him in case he started to run.  But he pulled over after me.  I got out... fist bumped the guy... asked if he was ok.  And saw that it was a direct, almost 100% straight shot into my rear bumper and tail gate.  If you can draw a line between the left and right tail lights... the dent was smack in the middle.  So the car absorbed most of the hit... which mean... thankfully... SW and I were protected.

Sigh... now have to go through insurance and body shop and rental and all that mess. Thankfully... no one was hurt.  Just one of those things in life.... 

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