Friday, April 19, 2024


 Ever since one of our many fights... NN hasn't wanted me to "uhm 佢瞓." No more Crossword, Wordle... No more bedside chit chat.  No more pray pray.  She's been shifty... saying she has to work late.  Or she needs to stretch out in bed.  But last night... I finally confronted her and asked why she won't let me put her to bed.  She said, "我就離十五歲喇."  She looked up at me... thinking I would be/could be tearing up.  Amazingly... I wasn't.  

Today... while standing in line at the supermarket, I felt something brush up against my leg.  I look down and it was a little girl, no more than 2 years old.  She was hugging me... mistaking me for her dad.  She looked up... I met her gazed, smiled.  And then she ran off.  

Then later in the afternoon... we had our father / daughter date.  Going to watch "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at school.  I had a feeling before I got there that she might want to sit with her friends.  And as I got there... that's exactly what she asked.  Of course I nodded.... 女大女世界.

She ended up sitting with me for the first half prior to intermission.  After intermission... I was by my lonely self.  And y'know what... I was perfectly fine. 

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