Thursday, August 08, 2024


Realized that summer is abruptly coming to an end and I hadn't spent much time with the kids.  What is it with work these days??? I don't need to be there... why can't I take any time off??

So I bit the bullet...  and on Wednesday... asked for a day off.  Which turned out to be a mess but that's for another time.

Thursday... we go to Great America... but NN is too old and mature now.  She decides she wants to stay home and do summer homework instead.  And probably secretly... chat and talk with friends.  Wow... that came out of nowhere!  Family Outing and she's choosing not to go.  Sigh... 

The worst part is... it didn't give SW time to find a friend to go to Great America with.  And I end up being stuck with him on multiple roller coaster rides to which... I am past that point.  No mas.  I can't do thrill rides anymore.  The spinny ones.  The wooden ones.  The twists and turns and G's.  No thanks.  I felt so sick the rest of the day.  Ugh,... 

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