Monday, August 19, 2024


 Last Monday... my work laptop was having trouble booting up so I took it to the iLab to have them fix it.  The quickly confiscated it and gave me a loaner.  A week went by and I hadn't heard anything so I pinged them... and they came back with, "We attempted to restore your harddrive, but the data is irretrievable."  My heart sank so far that very instant.  I wanted to cry.... but I was in a meeting so I had to push my way through it.  I didn't even know what to think... how to react.... my harddrive.  Gone!!!

20+ years of pictures.  All my personal stuff.  My Masters program.  Church stuff.  Records of mom and dad.  All gone!!!!  Not to mention personnel record that I opted not to save on a network drive because of its sensitivity. All gone.  The notes I've been keeping for the past 3 years in this job.  All gone.  My emails dating back the past 7 years.  All gone.  My Favorites and Bookmarks.  All gone. The working files on my desktop that I was going to move to a network drive.  All...... freakin'...... gone. 

What do I do now? How do I begin to piece the puzzles back together?

The IT guy basically said... technology has moved so far so fast... that hard disk drive companies have not kept up with the solid state drive technology to recover anything.  It's a moot point to even try.  I told him... "Try it anyways... I will pay anything."  I don't know if he'll do it or not. 

I can't even articulate how I feel today.  Despondent? Depressed? Sad? Lost? I don't have words for it... it's just ALL GONE.  20 years of my life... wiped away.  And there's no possible way to restart it.

Back up your data people.  Don't be like me.  Don't pull a Hank. 

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