Regular season - over. I'm now that guy who will forever regret missing a game over some stupid meeting.
Not always... but life sometimes affords you second chances. This time - in the form of a post season tournament. In the face of an 11th hour work emergency... I'm able to make it for the 2nd half. SW is on the court... gets subbed on and off to give the starters a rest. And every time he and the 2nd five are on... the other team makes a run. With 4 minutes left.... SW gets his last shot at redemption.
It's a pick and roll. He sets up a screen for his teammate who runs behind him. The defense falls for it and chase the guy... only for the other defense to switch. So SW's free and makes a dash for the open court behind the line. The bounce pass is there right as he arrives. He catches... sets... and launches - embodying Steph, Reggie, Klay, Ray Allen, 三井壽。It's the biggest arc since Noah's times. And on the other side of the rainbow was the pot of gold in the form of silk... nothing but net. The one crazy dad roars in cheers... "That's my son!!!" The other TKA parents cheer with me. They know what it meant and how it feels. SW's teammates are besides themselves.
Bay Area may have lost Klay.... but today... for this moment in time... we gained a new Splash Brother.
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