Sunday, December 22, 2024

"You can do that?!"

My son is now a full fledge teenager.  The more he matures... the more he realizes his dad is getting old.  My jokes are no longer as funny.  My stories no longer as impressive.  He demolishes me in video games. He challenged me to run a mile around the lake and he blew me away. We're at the sand dunes at Pismo... and he's appalled when I told him I ain't rolling down the dunes.  As Ray Kinsella once regretfully said in the Field of Dreams, "I never forgave him for getting old."

But amazingly... as we're walking down the stairs one day... I'm casually strolling - step by step.  And here's SW... holding onto the rails and staring at every single step.  He notices that I'm not even looking at where I'm stepping, "You can do that?!?"

I guess the old dawg's still got a few tricks up his sleeves.... but for how long? 

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