Sunday, October 28, 2018

Hamster Wheel Part II

Second week of Gospel Sunday.  Again... I was first to arrive.  Again.... I was last to leave.

But today was different.  Maybe it's because people needed the 1st week to warm up and get into the groove of things.  I'm still physically drained.  But my spirit is exploding.

Starting last night at 10PM....when I had the honor of making subtitles for the video testimony... the tears of joy already started flowing.  One by one, their testimonies echoed the provision and grace of God.  PAL was especially fired up.  His sermon was cut VERY short.  But he preached like Peter on the day of Pentecost (ok... maybe that's a little too much).  When PAL made the altar call.... people didn't just raise their hands... but their hands SHOT UP.  Almost all the newcomers today responded to the altar call.   And God reminded me, "That is why you run your hamster wheel."

Some people sow... some people till the soil... some people water... some people harvest.  And then there are some who run in their hamster wheel.  I'll keep doing what God wants me to do...wherever He puts me.  Praise God for meeting us face to face today.

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