Tuesday, October 23, 2018

My Brother's Birthday

NN has been learning to write paragraphs... here's one she recently wrote. It's amazing how much detail she remembers. Though some of the events are wrong. Brought me to tears...

My Brother’s Birthday
I remember about seven years ago when my brother was born. On May 1 ,  2011 I woke up to see I was sleeping on my parents’ enormous black king sized bed with floral designed covers. Next to me was my grandma sleeping peacefully, I had a strong urge to wake her up and ask for some breakfast. When I finally wake her up she asks me to wait for her to sleep  a few more minutes first. After a few minutes my grandma slowly sits up and yawns, she walks towards the black rectangular dinner table and pulls a cereal box out of the cabinet,then she pulls out some ceramic bowls out and we start eating. A few minutes after eating breakfast daddy bursts into the kitchen and shouts “ The baby is born! The baby is born!” , jumping with giddy he escorts us towards his small gray car. As we head towards the hospital in the car , my daddy tells us that the baby is a boy! When the drive ended I carefully stepped out of the car onto the hospital parking lot. I held my daddy’s hand and I slowly entered the hospital and I walk into my mommy’s room to see that someone else was already there! “Do you want some water?” He kindly asks, I shyly shake my head. I slowly walk towards my mommy’s bed side, I smell cream and baby powder wafting through the air. I ask my mommy if I could hold my new baby brother “ Yes you may.” answered mommy. After I held my baby brother for a long time, I went home happily. My brother is growing up ,but I will never forget the day my brother was born.

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