Saturday, October 20, 2018

What a waste of time...

Went to a middle school / high school open house today.  Part of the "tour" was to hear a teacher speak on each of the 6th grade subjects.  When we got to Social Studies... my jaw dropped.

Sumerian Empire.  Mesopotamian Civilization.  Ancient Greece.  Ancient Egypt..... etc.. etc...

It's what NN and SW are learning in 4th and 2nd grade respectively. And they're still going to learn that in 6th grade? And as I remember it.... I learned the same sh*t through high school.

And my question is.... Why.  Why do we need to learn this crap???

Do we even need it? Does it make us better?  smarter? more well rounded?

Or is it... just a waste of our time.  Ugh!!!......

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