Friday, October 19, 2018

Workplace Ministry

It's hard to be an ambassador of the gospel in the work place, especially if HR sets down all these rules and guidelines of what we can or can't do.  And I totally understand and empathize... 

The past few weeks, I picked up a couple of mentees.  In one case, my mentee asked how I was so good with my public speaking and presentation skills.  So I used my ARROWS - Let's Proclaim syllabus as my blueprint.  Printed all over my syllabus were bible verses and bible references.  BOOM!!

Then the other day... a mentee came looking for me, and we went over my pictorial bio.  I have pictures of my family, pictures of Bay Area sports teams, my alma mater... and the Christian fish.  At the end, he made it a point to ask about the fish... and we started talking about church.  He mentioned he stopped going when college started cuz he was too busy.  And as we parted... I slipped in, "Maybe it's time to go back and reconnect." 

It's not every day you get these chances.. but when you do.. jump onto them.

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