Monday, April 18, 2005

Aches and Pain

Woke up with a splitting headache Saturday morning. I'm not use to having headaches. That's just not part of my biochemistry. But Saturday it hit me hard. I came into work around 11:30 and by 12:00, I was dying from the pain. Tears rolled down my left eye cuz my entire left cranium felt like needles were poking into it. I muscled my way until 12:30, to finish up what I started and I threw in the towel and headed home. Popped an aspirin and slept from 1PM to 4PM. Woke up feeling a little better. Made myself a bowl of Doll Noodles...hoping the worst has gone by. Only to realize that the aspirin wore off. So I popped another aspirin and headed back to bed again. This time, I woke up around 6. I promised my mom I'll take her to I pulled myself out of bed and trucked up to Palo Alto.

IKEA wasn't as crowded as I expected - seeing it was Sales Tax Free Weekend. Maybe people don't see saving 8.25% as much. Hey...every penny counts. We found the dining table/chair set we wanted, but wasn't sure if the car would fit. Besides, the chairs we wanted were all gone. Had to wait till the next day for them to restock.

Sunday, woke up feeling like a million bucks. Went to church and had a grand ol' time. Pastor Chris and Grace's testimonies were so touching and tear jerking. I admire them so much for their courage and love for God. After Sunday School, we drove up to IKEA again to meet up with my brother. This time, we were sure there'll be room in his car. Found the dining table and the 6 chairs. And I guess I must've lifted wrong...cuz that afternoon, my back was completely shot!! I couldn't sit, couldn't stand, couldn't lie down!! I initially thought it may be walking around too much. Been working crazy hours so I haven't exercised I thought maybe shopping for two hours made my back sore. No no no... last night I was in such pain, I couldn't even sleep for more than 30 minutes w/o waking up. I was tossing and turning, hoping to find a position that'll alleviate the pain. Around 3:30AM, the pain go so intense, I got out of bed, knelt down on the floor and started praying. Wasn't till like 6:30AM did I find a position that allowed me to have some real close-eye time. I laid on my tummy, with my elbows propping me up. The good part is, I was able to sleep for an hour. The bad part is, when I woke up, both my arms fell asleep. =(

Stopped by Safeway on my way to work to pick up some Advil. Hopefully it will lessen the pain for the rest of the day...and hopefully this pain will go away in a day or two. The last thing I need now is a herniated disk or a pulled muscle. Sigh...

I always thought I lifted with my legs...wonder why my back is hurting. Hrm....anyways, too tired right now to focus. The pain is distracting and the lack of sleep doesn't help.

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