Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Oh so wonderful is oh so many ways!!

Linear algebra...I thought I was done with math when I turned in my Fourier Transform Final junior year of undergrad. Now I'm back in a stupid math class. I love's ingenius!! it's magical!! it's beyond words - that's why it's in numbers. But unfortunately, I'm not too good with math. =P

So I'm stuck at work at 12 in the morning doing homework. Spent 2 hours on two problems. I was about to give up. Call it quits. Go home and sleep...since I've been going on 4 hours again - running on low. But I decide to take a break and peruse through some b&s's blogs and xanga. It's amazing how encouraging their words are. So simple, yet so powerful. Whether it be Joyce's struggles in dental school...or Candy's lovely story....or Sandy's adventures in China. I finish reading them and back to work I go. And within seconds LITERALLY seconds, I finish my homework. The sad thing is, now that I'm done with homework, I can start doing work-work. Sigh.....hor beat leh??????

God is so wonderful. I got to spend the evening with Francisco. We went to eat a rather pricey meal at Applebees. Then we went to shop for furniture. Afterwards we hit up BestBuy and played videogames for an hour. I felt like a kid again. Lastly, we stopped by BORDERS and I had him read some children's books to me. That was really the main focus of the night. I'm a little disappointed he keeps getting tripped up on the same words. But at least he's downright absorbed into the life of Jesus. His love for Christ is exploding from's contagious!! much more OT will I have to put in? When will I have time to attend Prayer Meetings?

Finally signed the loan paper and took the cashier's check down to the title company. Closing escrow on Thursday. As of Friday morning, Joycie and I will officially be homeowners...woohoo!! Then comes the mortgage...booooooooooooooooooooo

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