Saturday, April 09, 2005

Welcome back Mom and Dad....

Mom and dad flies in from Hong Kong today. They'll be bringing the ashes of my grandfather and grandmother. Two people whom I should love and adore...but can only do it in words. I have a few slight memories of these two figures. Without them, I wouldn't be here. Without them, who knows what the world would be like. Yet... we are willing to go halfway around the world, go back to our village in China, dig them up, go through all the hassel to let them Rest In Peace.

I also never met the man they called Jesus of Nazareth. He lived over 2000 years ago. Without him, I wouldn't be where I am. Without Him, who knows what the world would be like. What am I willing to do to please my Savior?

Went to church for the first time in a few weeks. Been so busy with the wedding photos and such. Skipped out on back to back fellowships/cell groups already. But hey...home is home. It felt so comfortable worshipping with everyone. Joycie and I are so blest to have this place called home.

Been very cranky and irritable as of late. Must be the stress, lack of sleep and weird work schedule. Must continue to pray for peace inside my heart. God blessed me with a dynamic personality...but I must not abuse this gift.

Sigh...Vivian and Yiu Chung are going back to China. I really want to go with them. But am I ready yet? Am I ready to cut-wings? So much on my mind and plate. Maybe I shouldn't rush things...maybe should get married first. Then go with my wife. Ai-yah....

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