Monday, January 02, 2006

Ok....I cried too....

Is it okay to say that SoChi looked gorgeous? Cuz she really did!!! And I will add that Ken looked (to no surprise) amazingly handsome!! Just three months ago, we were in their shoes. But this time it was soooo much more relaxing.

Such a beautiful wedding. From the first note of Pastor Alan's the exchange of Tall Ken's solo!! His solo was soooooo full of love and so touching, tears found it's way out of my 20/20 eyes. Whoever has the wedding recording, I want a copy of it!!!!

Praise God for his miracle of sunshine. The weather reported thunderstorms, showers and wind...but we were so ever blessed by his warm presence. How amazing!!!

And thank you Simon, my buddy and my mentor. For leading me through the entire day. Had a great time working along your side....only next time, we can try to coordinate our suits. Hrmm.......

If we haven't said it enough yet, "Congratulations SoChi and Ken!!!!"

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