Thursday, March 30, 2006

A second career

In the late 80's and early 90's...this face was more recognizable world-wide than Mickey Mouse. This celebrity had it all. A cereal, a cartoon show, loads of endorsement, the love of a beautiful princess... and one other thing... he had proper PLUMBING!!!!

Shigeru Miyamato was no also-ran when he came up with the Mario Brothers concept. Mario and Luigi could've had any occupation: firefighter, policeman, cable installation guy, PG&E worker.... no no and NO!! They were plumbers. (There was a Dr. Mario spin off that did very well doctors are cool also.)

Why all this?? Why envy the occupation of a cartoon/video game character? Cuz, yet again, we have plumbing problems. This time the kitchen sink.

It started during finals week when Joycie noticed a small leak under the sink. She thought it was the trap pipe (aka goose neck.) Throughout finals week, we would turn the main valve off when not using the sink. After finals, we finally had time to go buy a replacement. Here's where the fun begins...

Ever see a Charlie Chaplain movie, where he's in a basement, and there's a leak in one of the pipes? He goes over to cover it up with his finger...only to force a leak somewhere else?? Then he sticks another finger to cover up the second hole, leading to yet another series of leaks springing up everywhere?

To make a long story short... we're still fighting through this problem. We now know, more than we've ever wanted to know, about kitchen and shower faucets.

Several months ago, Pastor Ted talked about heaven; about how we can't really bring anything from this life, into eternal life. He goes on to say that it's the relationships we build now that will matter in eternity. Pastor Ted specifically mentioned that he'll be of no use in heaven, they don't need a pastor there, or a lawyer, or an engineer. But I firmly believe, regardless of what heaven is like, we'll need a plumber.

Maybe that's why it's till raining in late March, early April. There's a leak up in the sky.........


Sandy said...

so.. did u start ur plumbing certification?? Since you already won and got the princess to start with, you might as well go back and do all the jumps and kicks and fights to collect coins :P

got henry? said...

and step on Joey's turtle?!?