Monday, March 06, 2006

The time will come...

Carol and Simon celebrated Solomon 's One Month Old Party by bringing him to the So's home away from home. Carol's Xanga's makes Solomon look much bigger than he really is. Guess the camera truly adds 10 lbs? The little angel was as small as a 10" club sandwich at Subway. Without proper training, I did NOT want to come near that precious angel. He looked so frail yet peaceful...if I even breathed a little harder than usual, I'll blow him away.

My "prize" for guessing Solomon's birthday. It was suppose to be Solomon's Third Kiss. I think Simon and Carol jipped me.

Joyce struggled with initially. But I guess motherhood comes natural to some people... And perhaps fatherhood for me shortly. The time will come...

Then we went out to lunch with Patti, Mark and baby Hannah. Haven't seen the Haberstrohs since Hannah was 8 months in the tummy. Any time I got near to Hannah she'd start crying!! Must be my cologne...ah well, the time will come.


The score for Team China in the World Baseball Classic. Don't even have to guess...China was on the losing end of all three games. Sigh...the time will come.

Brokeback Mountain did NOT win the award for Best Movie despite winning the Golden Globe and all other major awards leading up to the Oscars. This morning on KLOVE, the DJ read the major winners of the Oscars, including Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Movie, but strategically avoided announcing Ang Lee winning Best Director for Brokeback. Is it cuz of the movie topic? Will America ever accept homosexuality? Will the time come?

Been catching episodes of the critically acclaimed TV Series "LOST." And it makes me wonder why the show never show any of the castaways praying? It wasn't till maybe 9-10 episodes into Season 1 did the Iraqi character, Sayid, finally pray to Allah. And a couple episodes later, a black lady finally said the words, "Heavenly Father..." Are TV networks trying to remain secular? Or is the TV series a vivid lifelike portrayal of human life -- where prayer no longer exists in society? I believe God definitely heard our prayers this past Friday...and revival time will come.


Sandy said...

Aiya.... Uncle Henry!!! you're comparing bb solomon w/ a 10" club sandwich at subway?? sigh...

got henry? said...

Do you think Solomon prefers Quizno??