Monday, March 27, 2006

So exhausted, I couldn't even sleep...

Ever been in a realm where you're so exhausted you can't fall asleep? Your mind tells you, "Dude, get some rest!!" but your body says " can't rest, keep on chugging."

Last Thursday after flying back from Philly and as the broken pieces of my life slowly came back together, I lied in bed around 1AM in the morning (3AM Eastern Time) with my eyes wide opened. Geez Louise....I sleep an average of 5 hours for the past two weeks and now that I can rest, I CAN'T!!! It's not like the other 19 hours were spent surfing the net or lounging on a couch watching the NCAA Tourney... I was either at work, getting into heated arguments with my boss or at the computer lab churning away at my stinken project.

    Highlights of the past several weeks:
  • Those very special moments I get to spend with Him.
  • Thursday night tutoring where I felt most alive and recharged after spending 1.5 hrs with my buddy Poncho.
  • One night when Joyce made me cook dinner. I was a little appalled she would do that, knowing full well I needed every single minute to study/work. Turns out that those 45 minutes were the most time I spent with her consecutively for the past 2 weeks.
  • The moment my schematic checked out against my layout!
  • Being able to fly cross country, and for once, not have to read a textbook on the plane

    Lowlights of the past several weeks:
  • Those very special moments I don't get to spend with Him.
  • Missing out on two consecutive Friday gatherings and a Fondue night
  • Spending only 45 minutes with my wife
  • Kitchen sink starting to leak
  • Semiconductor Device Physics and all that jazz
  • Having to fly cross country and turn around in less than 24 hours (UGH!)

Alls wells that ends well...

Friday night, my body officially collapsed.

Saturday morning, I had a company picnic at Great America. Was gonna take Poncho and Isaac but they called me early in the morning saying they can't make it. So Joyce and I just slowly mosey our way over there, grab our free BBQ lunch, play a round of bumper cars, ride ONE roller coaster ride and head home.

Saturday night was one of my best bud's bachelor party. My first go around in organizing a Bachelor's Party and it turned out pretty well. I got a chance to speed through a go-kart track, tackle a 20oz ribeye (which I STILL claim to this day is overcooked) and ended the night chitchatting with my other best bud about nothing for an hour. And I walked away like it was the best conversation I've had in ages.

Sunday morning was SOOOOOOO AWESOME!!! I've been running on EMPTY for a while and it was the perfect remedy. I acutally lost count of how many times people hinted to us to starting popping out little Henrys and Joyces. For the first time in a long while, I got to go out to lunch with my bros/sis. Physically I was still aching, but spiritually I was on Cloud 9!!

And here we are.... end of the worst quarter of my Post Baccaleureate career. I get one week off before heading into the the next quarter, which I know..I KNOW will be even worse than this quarter.

Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yyyyyyyyyyyyeaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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