Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Sick Leave

Ah....the beauties of Sick Leave. I don't remember the last time I took consecutive days off cuz of a mere cold.

Back in college, I never ever missed a class. Perfect attendance. Never played hookie. Even with a 102 fever, I'll drag myself to class to sit in there and pretend to listen. In grad school, hours after getting LASIK, I sat in the back of the class with my eyes closed, screaming in pain, just so I won't miss lecture.

When I first started working for industry, my mind was accustomed to the "tough it out" mentality As time went by, I realize that being sick at work does myself no good and does the company no good. I'm not working at my full capacity. I threaten getting coworkers sick. And it doesn't help with my healing.

Dear friend of mine is also sick...but she's a contractor and doesn't get PTO. So she's at work, spreading her germs around. While I'm home, enjoying a wonderful cup of java and staring at my four walls. Wait...but that's what I do at work!!!


Anonymous said...

Kutos to your Dear Friend. =) I hear your Dear Friend's coworker across the aisle has poison oak and comes to work anyway. What's wrong with this guy? Believe me, if I got sick days, I would be taking them right now.

Anonymous said...

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