Friday, May 05, 2006

Twice in a day..and probably more.

We go through life sometimes, not counting our blessings. Things happen so fast and we're so innundated with our quick-paced lifestyles, we really ought to stop and smell the proverbial flower. Yesterday was a great day for me. A most happy day. Mainly because God showed me His almighty grace and love to me.

I flew down to LA yesterday morning at 630, and flew home at 630 at night. It was a long day, I'm tired, I'm hungry. Of course, the flight ended up being delayed. I reached for my bible and started to read when the passenger next to me asked, "Is that the bible?" Turns out this guy is a very devout Christian who is used heavily by God to serve in His kingdom. It was very touching hearing his testimony and his dream. The hour we spent together passed by quicker than a New York minute.

I come home and check my email and see one of my dearest friend inviting me to her baptism at San Francisco Christian Alliance Church. Not only is it my dear sister being baptized...but at an Alliance church!! I can't wait for it to happen.

God is showing me in so many ways His bountiful love and mercy. All these lives around me are changing. And this happened...twice in a day. And y'know what, there's probably more!

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