Monday, May 29, 2006

We were there...

A beautiful Sunday. Perfect day for a day of sitting in the sun enjoying America's Past time with my girl and my two best buds. We were part of the capacity crowd gathered, hoping and even begging to be part of history. With a man on first, full count, Kim unleashes a fastball across the plate. Here it came, there it went... sailing over 415 feet over the centerfield wall. He did it... in the house that Bonds built, Barry Lamar Bonds eclispsed what was once thought to be unreachable and hit his 715th homerun.

Two banners on the centerfield scoreboard dropped and revealed, on the left, a portrait of Bonds and his majestic uppercut. On the right, Hammerin' Hank Aaron with his unobtrusive, silent but deadly swing. Black, orange and silver ribbons flew across the park. Fireworks were blasted into the clear blue sky. The foghorn sounded. The "4" of 714 was promptly replaced with a "5." We hi-fived complete strangers, as if they'd been our best friends all our lives. Barry came out for not one, but two curtain calls.

60 years from now, I can tell my children, and my children's children, that I was there to watch Bonds hit 715. This will forever be part of my life...this moment in time....

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