Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Back to normal...

Ah... alas the jet lag has departed. Back to the normal routine of working till 1AM and waking up at 6AM. It's gonna be one tough winter...


Anonymous said...

And back to talking about next years Giants. Hashigawa at 1B, Frandsen at 2B, and Soriano in LF!

But of course.....H.P.C!!!!!!!!!!

got henry? said...

Geez Anderson... you go from Hasagawa, to Nagasaki to Hashigawa. His name is ISHIKAWA!!!

Anonymous said...

I was trying to copy Russo, when he was ranting Hashigowa.....haha! At least I didn't go Chad Santos!

2007 Giants! Got nuttin else to look forward too.

got henry? said...
