Sunday, October 15, 2006

Life is really is....

On Saturday, I went computer shopping with a buddy who just came from Hong Kong. He's not too knowledgable about PC's. So I had to give him a 10 minute crash course on some basic concepts.
  1. CPU: Athlon vs Pentium? Why dual core? 32-bit or 64-bit?
  2. RAM What is DDR? What is 4200? 3200? What is a MHz? What is a Hertz??
  3. PCI and PCIe What is an expansion card/slot?
  4. Video: ATI vs NVidia What is AGP?
  5. LAN: 802.11a,b,G
  6. Mobos: All of the above =)
  7. Monitors: LCD, Plasma, Refresh Rate, Compression Ratio

Pretty trivial...right? SURE!! Now try explaining all that IN CHINESE!!! I haven't worked so hard to speak Chinese since the time I had to make a shot-gun speech in Mandarin during a Parent Teacher Conference. Hahahaha... and I don't even know Mandarin!! fun....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EEE guo.....chicken corn cream soup!