Thursday, October 12, 2006

Warm and fuzzy...

I went back to the building I use to work in for a meeting, and of course, I stop by to visit my old group. A surge of nostalgia hits me as I pace through the aisles and walk by the cubicles. Waves, handshakes, smiles, nods and the obligatory, "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank!!!"

This was where I started. This is home base. This is where it all began.

Only after you leave, do you get a chance to realize the legacy you've left behind. Sometimes, we put our noses to the grindstone and tunnel ourselves into working so hard, we seize to realize there are third parties who see what you're doing. But the words and comments I heard today were very flattering and I accepted them humbly because God gave me the abilities to perform my duties well.

Similarly, during a telecon yesterday, there was an action item assigned to "Henry." It was the first time I saw this action... so I said, "I'll look into it and get back to you guys..." Upper management came back and said, "Not you Henry, another Henry. If it was you, I wouldn't be worried."

My manager always come by and say "Good job, Hank!" But I take that with a grain of salt...cuz managers are trained to encourage their employees. I almost think these words of encouragement are patronizing... But to hear these words from a senior manager in a public forum is a good sign for me that I'm doing something right and I'm contributing my part.

I'm not big on compliments...mainly cuz I question how genuine it is. But when it's words from a third party who has no interest in the effects of these compliments, then they're well taken. It just makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is there any pie a certain Sour Cream blueberry? And if not, is it possible that another one might be coming along the way so if someone stops by unexpectidly to just visit, you'll have it for him?