Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Drive by...

Good golly gobbstoppers... Just finished the E&M take-home midterm, which is worth a measly 20% of the final grade and I feel like I just survived finals week. And right when I turn in one take-home midterm...I get, yet another take-home midterm. Yeah me!

So I absolutely despise cutting class. Even if I'm not paying for it... experience has shown me that every time I miss a lecture, the professor ALWAYS, 100% guarantee, without a shadow of a doubt, give an example problem that will appear on the final. Well... I've been dodging this training session at work which occurs once a month on Wednesdays. But today, the director comes talk to me (He never, ever talks to me) and says "Hank, you gotta take this CPE training more seriously. The company is paying you to take a class and you get a 5% raise from it." So what's a man to do?? Geez.... you have principles...and you have a 5% raise. Who wins???

Kudos to the janitors!! The mystical bathroom with one, and only one, paper towel dispenser has YET to run out of paper towels on my watch. I don't know how they do it? How they keep that thing filled? They must be on hourly or bi-hourly patrol or something. I'm impressed.

I'm also impressed that last Friday, someone moved the garbage can next to the door. I laughed, thinking that Facilities will move it back. Only to see the "DO NOT RELOCATE GARBAGE CAN" sign moved WITH the can!!! Please tell me that someone read my blog and reported it up the chain of command.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The 5% raise always wins.

I read the post and reported it to upper management. You can charge that to F-22.