Monday, March 05, 2007

at the checkout line...

Most recently, two renound journalists (albeit, sports journalists) commented on the annoyance of people paying low amounts of money at the checkout lines with their credit cards. Laconicly speaking, this dogmatic preference is for people who are still stuck in the warp of time. Allow me to stand on my soap box and vent a little (or a lot...)

First of all... the ability of doing arithmetic while standing up and chewing gum is now a lost art. Swiping and signing is an actual time saver.

Ever go to an ATM and withdraw a $100 on a Friday afternoon...only to find out Monday morning you're down to $7 in your wallet? GONE without a trace. With a credit card (or debit card), you get a little bill at the end of the month via snail-mail or online. You can see exactly what you've been overspending on (eating out, clothes, Marie Callendar pies...)

In this day and age... why do we still have pennies?? Ever go buy something for $9.03. Only you don't have 3 cents...and now you end up with $0.97 in change?? For the sake of Alexander Hamilton...get rid of the penny! Until that happens...with credit's all electronic!

Here's a good one... ever go to Costco or Safeway and you're in a hurry. You're racing your shopping cart through traffic. You dodge the high school girls who are giggling at the latest Cosmos magazine. You barely miss hitting the family of 8, with their cart piled full of Oreos and Capri Sun. You slip into the shortest line with only 1 person in front of you. You're all smiles, cuz you can get out of the rat race early. Only that smile quickly disappears when that old lady in front of you slowly reaches into her purse and reveals a prehistoric checkbook...

Speaking of checkbook...the Yorks generously opened up their checkbook and signed Nate Clements, Michael Lewis and Ashley Lelie!! GO NINERS!!!


Anonymous said...

Self Checkers at Albertsons!
8.99 sounds a lot better than 9.01.

Niners need some more help on Defense.

Go Sharks!

Anonymous said...

Well said.