Saturday, March 10, 2007

Junk Yard Dogs...

This past Friday, Anderson and I ventured to the South Bay "Pick and Pull" Junkyards to look for a replacement seatbelt for Joycie's Corolla. So much for Japanese cars being reliable!

We first hit up the one close to church... fruitless. All the cars there are pre-1990. And basically all the cars there have been stripped of everything except the frame and shell. You really oughta wonder where your mechanic gets your "replacement" parts.

So we jump to the junkyard by the San Jose Flea Market off Oakland Road. Either Corolla drivers are very careful and never total their cars...or everytime one turns up, it's stripped clean. We came up fruitless again... until... Anderson remembered his uncle has a Geo Prism. (See, there was a reason why I brought him along....)

We walked over to the domestic section... and like he was being led by a voice, Anderson instinctively walked to the farthest end of the Junkyard to the very last row. And out there, tucked away in the corner, was a post 1993 Geo Prism -- which if you don't know by now -- is the exact same car as the Corolla!!

EUREKA!!! And thus... I saved around $250 by not going to the dealer. WOOHOO!!

As the old adage goes, "What's junk to one, is a treasure to another."

Special thanks to Krismark Tyrone Donato Salvador III for his ever reliable advice.


Anonymous said...

Did you use the crazy glue? Haha!

Anonymous said...

Did you forget I was knighted?