Saturday, June 02, 2007

Domino Murder Case

Two deaths in the past two days.

For the past two days... two corpse have been found on my driveway and path to my front door. The bodies were mostly intact, appendages were accounted for but feathers were obviously ruffled. Who is behind these series of murders? We have our prime suspect...but without hard evidence, prosecution will be futile. Initial investigations have caused us to label this murder case as: the Domino Murder Case.

The two victims left behind a major clue for the Crime Scene Invesitgators. A week ago, a vesitge of plumage coincidentally were spilled over the wasteland -- what use to be my front lawn. Experts belive there was a confrontation that took place on this wasteland -- a confrontation between the victim and the suspect. This confrontation may be the key to the double murder and the key to solving this the Domino Murder Case.

Suspcious activity over this wasteland has been noticed for many months now. The suspicion arises from uncovering the culprits responsible for turning this lucious tundra of terrace into now a desert of parasitic foilage. Grubs (EXHIBIT A) - more commonly known as grass worms - were found living underneath the top soil of lawn, sucking away the nutrients from grass, thereby leaving it incapacitated for future growth, and eventually, towards doom. Action has been taken to rid the wasteland of the grubs in hopes of revitalizing the lawn...but actions were not taken with enough expedience as the flying creatures of the heavens (VICTIMS) have located this wasteland.


Every morning, as the owners of the wasteland depart for their daily, habitual occupations, they would notice a flock of these flying creatures picnicing around these wastelands. What's junk to one is a treasure to another. What seems like a wasteland to some, is actually a buffet for another. Experts hypothesize that these flying creatures from the heavens descend upon the wasteland on a daily periodic basis to consume on the grubs.

For the two years the owners have resided here, they have noticed a familiar existence of neighborhood stray felines (SUSPECT). These felines act surreptitiously but occasionly leave paw prints on the cars of the owners.

Taking from the previous case of SYLVESTER THE CAT v. TWEETY BIRD seen in (EXHIBIT B), we can only take into major consideration that these seemingly friendly neighborhood felines have longingly observed and properly prepared for their own round of feasting.


This Domino Effect, and hence the name of this case, comes from the due fact that it was the grubs who ate the lawn. The birds eat the grubs. And now, well...the kitty-kat probably wanted to eat the birds. Will we ever uncover enough evidence to put the murderer behind bars? That still remains a mystery....

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