Friday, May 25, 2007

Do you see what I see?

I cringe whenever a professor uses a red or orange marker to write on a whiteboard. If the board is white... my preferred colors of marker are blue or black... maybe green. Why?? Cuz red/orange hurts my eyes. Why does it hurt my eyes? Check it out:


Approximately 12% of the male population and <1% of the female population are colorblind. Red/Green colorblind constitutes 99% of these people. There are those who are Blue/Yellow colorbind, and also those who only see black/white/shades of gray.

I am part of that 99% of the 12% of the 50% of the world's population. (hrm.....that makes sense if you think about it....).

So.... what does that have to do with anything?? Well...this is in answer to the two complaints filed against my selection of background color. It's black cuz it's easy on my eyes. Hor hor hor...

P.S. A commom side effect of colorblindness is the inability to tell whether meat is cooked raw or well done. Let it be known... I am NOT afflicted by this side effect.


Anonymous said...

You and your colorful clothes....I'm just glad Joyce picks em out for you. For some reason, your color blindness just enhances your detecting if the meat is medium rare too done.....interesting.

Anonymous said...
