Sunday, July 29, 2007


I have a tendency to juggle 4-5 books at the same time. And I usually end up finishing none of them.

Last night, I officially finished the novel, Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson, all 1130 pages of it. This venture started back in 2005 when I went on my first Honeymoon to Hong Kong / China. I got about 10 pages into the book during that trip. On my business trips to/fro the East Coast, I'll get maybe 100-200 pages in. But 80% of the reading was done on my 2nd Honeymoon to Europe. I slept a total of 2 hours on the entire plane ride (roundtrip). The rest of the time was spent reading. In the end, it wasn't so much finding out what happens at the end that matters... it was just proving to myself that I can finish something I started.

Now that I'm down to just 3 books to juggle, I'm deciding whether to add on Gone with the Wind or War and Peace as the fourth. Both are probably long and boring and a mountain of a novel. But both novels, I once promised myself I'll be done reading prior to graduating college.

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