Thursday, July 19, 2007

From Power Point to Bathroom Jabbers...

Why does management insist on adding animation on Power Point Presentations? One or two pop-ups serve a nice purpose... making the next Pixar Full Length Feature is questionable at best. But who am I to second guess....right?

My boss is putting my name in for a Special Recognition Award. I'm not much for awards unless it's a team award or unless I was seriously an individual contributor of something. I really detest it when it's a collaborative effort and I'm left on the podium or trophy stand. Even worse, I had to write my own Award Caption... how lame. Needless to say, I went a little sarcastic on it... and also needless to say... the humor will probably NOT make the final cut.

Onto the subject of Bathroom Jabbers... had a very weird dream last night. Dreaming about bathrooms are already weird all in itself. But last night, was yet another time that I dreamnt I walked into the ladies room!! The details of the dream will be left undocumented for the sake of a PG rating.

Goodness gracious....Barry is 2 away from tying, 3 away from breaking it!!! And I have tickets for Monday night!!

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